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Open Call for Submissions

Posted: September 6th, 2011, 9:27 pm
by onyudo
ōnyūdō is a netlabel based in oakland, california. we specialize in electro-acoustic sounds – but we aren’t afraid to venture out of that paradigm.

Last year’s Jazz Hands for Dead Men let folks who enjoyed a little cackle with their crackle get their Halloween fix on… and this year we at Onyudo would like to continue the trend. However, this year we’d like to take things up a notch and give you an opportunity to be a part of the Onyudo family because – let’s face it – what do the holidays amount to without family? We’ve already got a few new surprises for this year’s release – but you’ll have to wait until October to find out…

The idea is simple: create a track that in some way celebrates the idea of Halloween. Have fun, let your hair down and we won’t even bother giving away your secret identity under the mask you’re wearing (if you so choose, so to speak).

All submissions must be received by no later than Saturday, October 15th, 2011 to be included. Please keep your tracks under 7 minutes long, and in either MP3, AIF or WAV file format. Wander on over to our handy Contact page ( and drop us a line if you’d like to make a submission, and we’ll get back at you real quick like with the next steps.