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GI∆LLO / MIL3¥ $3RI•VS - N3V3R S​∆​Y N3V3R Split (2011)

Posted: April 10th, 2024, 10:14 am
by zin

1. MIL3¥ $3RI•VS - $0M3B0D¥ 2 L0V3
2. MIL3¥ $3RI•VS - ♒♒
3. GI∆LLO - RVN∆\/\/∆Y LOV3
4. GI∆LLO - SVN ∆N∂ /\/\OON

Mixes by GI∆LLO and MIL3¥ $3RI•VS


Four slowed-down pop edits. Nothing extraordinary here, GI∆LLO definitely did some better dragged remixes later on, and Miley Serious went on to have a fairly successful DJ career.