(2010 Feb 28) How I Quit Crack interview for Swamp Bats

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(2010 Feb 28) How I Quit Crack interview for Swamp Bats

Post by zin »

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interview with Tina Forbis // HOW I QUIT CRACK

How I Quit Crack is Tina Forbis, blacklight maven.


What’s up Tina?

trying to find meaning in everything failing all the time, thank god for small successes


Where are you from:

alief, houston tx


Where are you now:

austin tx

How long have you been at it:

always sang in church growing up!, playing music in a band since i graduated high school

What got you started:

a longing to find meaning and understand what communicating should mean, musical project with a lover


What else do you do?

sling sangwiches, blaze and talk shit , text message, eat and bathe, paint bones, spread awkwardness, glue sparkleyes, glue feathers, glow face, glow bones, laser kaleidoscope, paint shells, edite videos, shoot stock footage, imagine, laugh, cry, snore like a bitch, be lonely, listen to records, nirvana backwards, pop, pastels, neons, daydream, yoko, glitter skulls, coloored glass, water beads, liquid marbles, fake ceremoniees, paint flowers, cry

How do you keep it together?

barely, but see above, prayer and being in the south


What are you reading:

KJV, arthur c clarke short stories.”the other side of the sky”

What comedy and/or comedians are you into:

bill hicks, conan since i was 12 and they showed it at 3:30am in houston for some reason

What are you listening to, lately:

nirvana backwards and screwed cruisin 50s jamz ill give you a mix its abso fabso but here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nOtYNjiReoU

What art, if any, you seen worth talking about:

youtube the biggest outsider art and folk arte cornucopia evas


everything should be slower sounding or backwards or stuttering and blues

Worked any fucked-up jobs? Do tell:

nah not really

With whom, if anyone, do you roll:

telepathik friend<<<<<, missin home fries, keeping austin wurd, internet love affairs and fliirts, shadows

Where are you headed:

starting over all the time lately so i dunno, tour in summa!!!!!!

Where is the rest of it headed:

doomed to repeat

What can you do about it:

consume smarter(har)

Are there any people you’d like to mention who’ve helped you work it out:

RUSTED SHUT(familia), CHAD ALLEN&JOHN FRENCH(made me a recording artist on the real)

People to look for:

you already know, facebook it

People to look out for, because they are bad news:

google it

Anything you have in the works, on the ready, or on the horizon:

tour in the works BUY MY RECORD http://www.answeringmachinerecordings.net/ HOW I QUIT CRACK
other than that dvds and cds and stuff are available upon request

Anything else you want to pass on:

email mybrains out tina.forbis@gmail.com

go to my videos WWW.YOUTUBE.COM/howiquitcrack
and www.myspace.com/howiquitcrack

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