Welcome to Witch-House.com

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Welcome to Witch-House.com

Post by zin »

Witch-House.com is a website dedicated to a new genre in music that emerged and gained its popularity in 2009/2010.

To help me as well as other fans stay in touch and exchange opinions and information regarding Witch-House.

So far, I - zin - am the only person behind the Witch-House.com. However, any help will be appreciated, so please let me know if you'd like to help with improving the site, both when it comes to webmastering/graphic design or financial help - for now I pay for the server from my own pocket, so any donations are more than welcome.

Have fun, and enjoy the music!
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Slow Head
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Re: Welcome to Witch-House.com

Post by Slow Head »

I just want to say thanks for doing this. Love it.
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Re: Welcome to Witch-House.com

Post by ▲NGI3 OHMA »

Slow Head wrote:I just want to say thanks for doing this. Love it.
Posts: 1
Joined: August 17th, 2012, 12:28 pm

Re: Welcome to Witch-House.com

Post by stoneweather »

as an old school experimental/industrial/electronic (with a nice dose of the hazier side of shoegaze thrown in) freak, it's nice to see witch house has come into its own, been loving most of what i've been hearing.... the first time i heard about the name witch house -was- when it was still more or less a joke, as a result i didn't give it much thought until not too long ago i stumbled across "sedsumting" by oOoOO and white ring's "ixc999" and noticed the witch house tag had been applied... long/short, i'm hooked! heh, cheers.
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