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Interview with TENSE
TENSE is a group from Houston, TX.
Bobby Lane + Mariana Kunst Fascion

Where are you from:
Houston, Texas
Where are you now:
How long have you been at it:
//TENSE// = over 3 years, dj/promotion = 9 years
What got you started:
I really wanted to create music that I wanted to hear on the dance floor. I felt there was a void in modern dark electronic music that needed to be filled. This has all been my personal homage to WaxTrax! Records circa 1986-1989.
video by Tommyboy
What else do you do:
Work a day job, collect too many records and too many books.
How do you keep it together:
I don’t. I lose it all the fukkin time.
What are you reading:
A collection of Bradbury short stories entitled the ‘Small Assasin’. Loads of 50-70s sci-fi.
What comedy and/or comedians are you into:
In Living Color Seasons 1 and 2.
What are you listening to, lately:
The Genetic Terrorists – “White Stains” and loads of Adrian Sherwood produced projects from the mid-80s…TACKHEAD, Mark Stewart and the Maffia, Ministry, Cabaret Voltaire….
Worked any fucked-up jobs? Do tell:
Pizza delivery driver. Line cook at a Wendys…midnight shift at a Diamond Shamrock (pre-Valero). I used to hang out with and feed the local homeless guy, he was really nice. I ended up working with a psycho ex-con who walked with a cane because he had been hit by a cop car while fleeing. That was fun.
Played any fucked-up shows:
Umm, yea, you were probably there.
With whom, if anyone, do you roll:
My Dallas/Ft. Worth crew and when they feel like being sociable and not their normal awkward butthole selves: my Houston friends.
Where are you headed:
The Edge of Insanity.
Where is the rest of it headed:
Total shit. Really, I look at society and just don’t understand 98% of the things that are popular. Thank God for the Jersey Shore.
What can you do about it:
Live my life, choose my allies wisely and do what I do.
Are there any people you’d like to mention who’ve helped you work it out:
Rich System, Dommie B., The Jewelry, Tommy Boy, Jake Schrock, Lars Larsen….read my thanks list when my record comes out.
People to look for:
WHITE CAR (Chicago), Corporate Park (DFW), How I Quit Crack, Voidmate, Chad Allen (Austin), Ben Aqua (Austin)
People to look out for, because they are bad news:
Dommie B.
Anything you have in the works, on the ready, or on the horizon:
I have a limited cassette ep that should be in the post to my house as we speak, the ‘Memory’ 12″ is next on the release schedule for Desire Records (…and I AM CONSTANTLY working on new music and learning new tricks. Expect more BEATS in 2010 and beyond.
Anything else you want to pass on:
DIY, teach yourself new tricks, make money, don’t depend on anyone else. Drink lots of water.
Tense live at Beauty Bar, Austin, TX. video by Tina Forbis

TENSE is a group from Houston, TX.
Bobby Lane + Mariana Kunst Fascion

Where are you from:
Houston, Texas
Where are you now:
How long have you been at it:
//TENSE// = over 3 years, dj/promotion = 9 years
What got you started:
I really wanted to create music that I wanted to hear on the dance floor. I felt there was a void in modern dark electronic music that needed to be filled. This has all been my personal homage to WaxTrax! Records circa 1986-1989.
video by Tommyboy
What else do you do:
Work a day job, collect too many records and too many books.
How do you keep it together:
I don’t. I lose it all the fukkin time.
What are you reading:
A collection of Bradbury short stories entitled the ‘Small Assasin’. Loads of 50-70s sci-fi.
What comedy and/or comedians are you into:
In Living Color Seasons 1 and 2.
What are you listening to, lately:
The Genetic Terrorists – “White Stains” and loads of Adrian Sherwood produced projects from the mid-80s…TACKHEAD, Mark Stewart and the Maffia, Ministry, Cabaret Voltaire….
Worked any fucked-up jobs? Do tell:
Pizza delivery driver. Line cook at a Wendys…midnight shift at a Diamond Shamrock (pre-Valero). I used to hang out with and feed the local homeless guy, he was really nice. I ended up working with a psycho ex-con who walked with a cane because he had been hit by a cop car while fleeing. That was fun.
Played any fucked-up shows:
Umm, yea, you were probably there.
With whom, if anyone, do you roll:
My Dallas/Ft. Worth crew and when they feel like being sociable and not their normal awkward butthole selves: my Houston friends.
Where are you headed:
The Edge of Insanity.
Where is the rest of it headed:
Total shit. Really, I look at society and just don’t understand 98% of the things that are popular. Thank God for the Jersey Shore.
What can you do about it:
Live my life, choose my allies wisely and do what I do.
Are there any people you’d like to mention who’ve helped you work it out:
Rich System, Dommie B., The Jewelry, Tommy Boy, Jake Schrock, Lars Larsen….read my thanks list when my record comes out.
People to look for:
WHITE CAR (Chicago), Corporate Park (DFW), How I Quit Crack, Voidmate, Chad Allen (Austin), Ben Aqua (Austin)
People to look out for, because they are bad news:
Dommie B.
Anything you have in the works, on the ready, or on the horizon:
I have a limited cassette ep that should be in the post to my house as we speak, the ‘Memory’ 12″ is next on the release schedule for Desire Records (…and I AM CONSTANTLY working on new music and learning new tricks. Expect more BEATS in 2010 and beyond.
Anything else you want to pass on:
DIY, teach yourself new tricks, make money, don’t depend on anyone else. Drink lots of water.
Tense live at Beauty Bar, Austin, TX. video by Tina Forbis