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Micro Korg Patches

Posted: November 7th, 2022, 2:53 pm
by hardgore2000
Eih there, i just got a Micro Korg and i was starting to check out some of the preset patches available and some of them are pretty cool. It's a powerful synth for the genre and i was wondering if someone has some nice patches to share since i wanted to implement it on some of my new music!

Thanks in advance :wilted:

Re: Micro Korg Patches

Posted: November 11th, 2022, 10:38 pm
by Mcll
It's a great synth. We had one back in 2003 and traded it up for the MS2000. Same synth engine, but the MS has more physical control. No patches to share, but dig in and make your own. It is a very powerful small synth. We love it's vocoder especially.

Re: Micro Korg Patches

Posted: November 13th, 2022, 10:25 pm
by hardgore2000
Mcll wrote: November 11th, 2022, 10:38 pm It's a great synth. We had one back in 2003 and traded it up for the MS2000. Same synth engine, but the MS has more physical control. No patches to share, but dig in and make your own. It is a very powerful small synth. We love it's vocoder especially.
Eih there! I heard great things bout the MS2000 and im happy you managed to grab one yourself! I got my microkorg used and since i got it i started working on some patches to re create the synths i used for my upcoming album so i could think bout playing the songs live as well. If i find something interesting while lookinf for MK stuff online ill share it here!

Re: Micro Korg Patches

Posted: August 9th, 2024, 7:27 pm
by fooly__cooly
i know it's an old post, but Microkorg is my favorite synth and i just want to share my patches, maybe you'll find them useful