(2010 Sep 21) Seancarnage.com publishes 'Blissed Out to “re-brand” drug-loving Lindsay Lohan' - interview with B.O.

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(2010 Sep 21) Seancarnage.com publishes 'Blissed Out to “re-brand” drug-loving Lindsay Lohan' - interview with B.O.

Post by zin »

Original link:
https://seancarnage.com/blissed-out-to- ... say-lohan/
Blissed Out to “re-brand” drug-loving Lindsay Lohan
By Brian Miller. Published on September 21, 2010.


Alex Winter and Sasha Winn are the NYC duo Blissed Out. They are returning to Los Angeles (this Saturday at The Smell with KIT) and the avant-garde/noise/collage/dance group are reaching out to one Angeleno specifically:

Lindsay Lohan.

“She embodies something beautiful—the media built her up just to tear her down,” say the Blissed Out boys.

The pair have even made a tribute video to the embattled actress/drug enthusiast.

“We would really like to produce her comeback album.”

Blissed Out with their favorite bro, Pictureplane

In the blog world, Hip Hop and New Age currently reign supreme. So it is no surprise that Blissed Out gets lots of Web love . Why do you think so many people love this unlikely pair of genres?
“New Age”? Are you implying we’re hippies? We dont really pay much attention to the Internet stuff. I think rap was getting a little boring. We use the same technology, we just create something aesthetically different. That may resonate with people.

By doing your own version of Jay-Z’s “Empire State of Mind,” do you offer up a different view of what life in NYC is like?
Life in New York is amazing. I couldn’t imagine being anywhere else. Except Los Angeles. Our edit of “Empire State of Mind” (listen below) was based on the combination of sounds we hear from the Market Hotel when working. Market Hotel is on the corner of Broadway and Myrtle in Brooklyn. A main intersection. The subway is a mere 10 feet from our windows. From there the sounds of the street get into our practice space. We get cars blasting Hot 97 on the street and we get the mechanical sounds of the subway. The combination of those sounds is what often dictates our sound, and what inspired our edit.

Are you mad at Lindsay Lohan?
Not at all. We made a video about it actually (watch below). It’s a video of her in court recently that I manipulated. She should spend more time in NYC, and at the Market Hotel specifically. Re-brand.

This is your 2nd US tour in 2010. What the same same? What’s different?
Last tour we almost died on our way home to NYC. We were in Pennsylvania and Run DMT fell asleep driving and almost drove off the road. Cops caught us and pulled us over. We got out okay, but it could have been really messy. So this time around we are hoping to evade the police better.

For us West Coasters, what East Coast bands are we missing out on?
La Big Vic and Total Slacker.

What are the best dance moves for a Blissed Out show?
To sit on the floor with a ouija board.

What will it take for Websters to acknowledge “Blissed” as a real word?
A boutique PR firm.

Are you ready?

Hear/download Blissed Out’s “Empire State of Mind (Edit)”

See Blissed Out at the Smell with KIT this Saturday, September 25. Get the full details here.

Connect with Blissed Out on Facebook

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