(2011 Feb 26) The Pigeon Post blogs about Daterape

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(2011 Feb 26) The Pigeon Post blogs about Daterape

Post by zin »

Original link:
https://thepigeonpost.wordpress.com/201 ... /daterape/
Click to read
February 26, 2011 by thepigeonpost


You know that you’re getting old when you actually start to worry about the levels of decency in society. Rihanna’s S & M being a case in point – if the lyrics in Rudeboy made you cringe a bit when schoolkids sang along to their ringtones on the bus, the thought of them humming along to lyrics like ‘sex in the air, i like the smell of it’ feels positively dystopian. But if a song discussing how whips and chains excite a twenty three year old who’s target audience is the young is in relatively bad taste, then an artist being called Daterape really is beyond the pale.

Maybe it means something else in Brisbane. Etherway, rather than getting fired up with bile and invective over a bloody name, it’s best to let the music itself do the talking. The primary source of inspiration seems to be the distorted slowed-down hip hop of witch house. rather than leaving the cold, stretched, mangled skeletons of drags tracks as they are, Daterape reheats them, forcing them back into being something approaching a downbeat dance track. The aesthetic, broadly speaking, is the same as pretty much every other band you’re going to come across this year – black and white photographs, a hint of the occult, but at least these are tracks that you could imagine yourself dancing to (as long as you can override your gag reflex).


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