Are You New Here? Read this.

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Paradise Lost
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Re: Are You New Here? Read this.

Post by Paradise Lost »

†▲βU∩∩ℽ▲† wrote:Agreed. Killing the music you love might be edgy, but don't expect the musicians you love to play out anywhere near you because they have no idea about 1) how popular they are 2) how many people might actually want to see them and 3) whether anyone will help with the financial details involved.

More than likely they'd just go back to their shitty day jobs and give up on music. Congrats - edginess and cool preserved, move along. /rantover.
Actually, I hear you guys and respect this.. I agree and see your point. Just thought there was still some crybabies here no matter if we discussed trading music or not.
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G.R. Zømbi€
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Re: Are You New Here? Read this.

Post by G.R. Zømbi€ »

Thank you TUNDRA, I think Salem is brilliant but lets show some love to the new guys. The guys that still have regular jobs and still manage to put out tons of music online.
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Re: Are You New Here? Read this.

Post by timothybarnes »

These rules shouldn't be too hard to follow. Thanks for making this thread!
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Re: Are You New Here? Read this.

Post by tapeface »

What about artists who want to post their own music? Is it alright to post it here (as in this board, not this thread) or should I keep that shit to myself and fuck off?
Anton Maiof
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Re: Are You New Here? Read this.

Post by Anton Maiof »

tapeface wrote:What about artists who want to post their own music? Is it alright to post it here (as in this board, not this thread) or should I keep that shit to myself and fuck off?
start a thread! share share share! :)
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Re: Are You New Here? Read this.

Post by timothybarnes »

Anton Maiof wrote:
tapeface wrote:What about artists who want to post their own music? Is it alright to post it here (as in this board, not this thread) or should I keep that shit to myself and fuck off?
start a thread! share share share! :)
I agree! This is the proper board for sharing your personal creations, and we would all love to hear them.
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Re: Are You New Here? Read this.

Post by homedsign »

i am nubi in here :). introduce me :)
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Re: Are You New Here? Read this.

Post by krupielove »

hey Guys great mixtape has that which house vibe to it you should like, download it spread it love it.
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Re: Are You New Here? Read this.



I am new: really!
I come from France!

I am a witch!
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Re: Are You New Here? Read this.

Post by TGE »

Suppose this counts as a newbie question: With Mediafire constantly flagging and anything that remotely looks like an EP/album, what is the preferred upload service people are using now?
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Baku Shad-do
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Re: Are You New Here? Read this.

Post by Baku Shad-do »

T U N D R A wrote:There's been a lot of posting faux pas made by newbies in these parts, so let's create a rolling/possibly sticky thread to educate the newcomers.

This is not a thread to talk shit on newcomers or bring up past issues, let's just outline some base rules:

1. No download links to music that aren't yours - People on this board don't really dig you not supporting indie labels, artists, etc.
2. Think before you post - There's a million topics on SALEM. Do we need any more?
3. Please, no obvious trolling - Topics on Witchbook and "Look at what random ASCII symbols I can make" are overdone and not cool.

Anyone have anything else? Is any of this too much?

I'll update this post as we figure out more stuff to add/what to edit.
Yeah these rules apply unless your name is Ben Tundra, then you can be as full of shit as you want and nobody will kick you off the boards for it.
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Re: Are You New Here? Read this.

Post by Mcll »

Honestly? You are still crying about this? Post an example or STFU already man :/
Seriously, I am not tied to Tundra at all, I don't know Ben. I have no vested interest in the label. But Ben has always been extremely helpful, friendly, and professional on these boards and elsewhere in these WH community circles. Tundra is a long standing and rather consistent WH label. What is all this drama? Why can't you two get along? And really, what are you trying to accomplish here?
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Baku Shad-do
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Re: Are You New Here? Read this.

Post by Baku Shad-do »

Mcll wrote:Honestly? You are still crying about this? Post an example or STFU already man :/
Seriously, I am not tied to Tundra at all, I don't know Ben. I have no vested interest in the label. But Ben has always been extremely helpful, friendly, and professional on these boards and elsewhere in these WH community circles. Tundra is a long standing and rather consistent WH label. What is all this drama? Why can't you two get along? And really, what are you trying to accomplish here?
He went around posting bullshit about me all over the internet and let's see, being that I co-founded Union Without Nation, one of the pre-witch house labels years ago, well I guess I've been around a bit longer than he has. Who are you to talk anyhow? I'm so sick of every newcomer, and compared to me you definitely are one, talking smack when they can't even find their way back to the real beginnings of the scene, go talk to C.A.N.S/Testicular Manslaughter/Dana Young (former member of Ariel Pink) he's the longest term member who still bothers talking to people.

Quotes taken from topic: The Final Weeks of Baku Shad-do
T U N D R A wrote: Mikey Shabadoo is a fucking crook and an asshole. He quit his label because he's an idiot who has no idea how to accomplish much of anything, including running a defunct-from-the-start net label that only existed to funnel $25-30 into his pockets.

From a good friend:

"in the 4 months or whatever I know dude
he has said he is:
a descendent of Salem
British Royalty
from a strange tribe of Canadian Indians
a Catalonian Prince"

Baku Shad-do wrote:
Listen Tundra, you little white-trash, fake producer, I've looked around and all your lazy failed ass does is talk trash everywhere. My family on my father's side, the Chase family is both from Salem (at one point) and part Passamaquoddy. Look up Lorenzo Chase, his wife was from Salem stock and his son married a Passamaquoddy woman. My great grandfather on my mother's mother's side was a Jew from Catalonia, her family on her father's side is a branch of the Ormond family from the Irish peerage (noble, not royal you dumb twat). Just because your pathetic ass doesn't know its ancestry (and just because you're too busy talking smack to promote your own damn sad label) doesn't give you a right to malign anyone. Mysterious tribe? Seriously, how dumb are you? Accuse me of what you want, but you're just a sad little fake hipster who probably works a mall job, get over yourself... you treat the scene like a game, so do your friends, that's why nobody on your label gets attention on your account. Fake little scamming rabbit. Let's see, I spent hundreds and hundreds to make that little album for your crappy, SALEM wannabe buddy Skelly, then $70 for each artist I put on itunes and like 18 other places, get your dirty little lies straight... in some places you say I rip people off, then I invested hundreds to funnel tens of dollars into my own pocket... you are a moron.... Oh and rip-off Skelly? I gave the twat 20 CDs out of my 100, it sold like 5 physical... His music flat out sucks. At the start he came to me whining about how your sad ass was dumping witch house for house based music, so you wouldn't put out more music out for him. I put out his crappy, inferior, derivative garbage... that was my mistake. Now he goes back to you to fight his battles and you fight them like a tool, because your label (which is mainly internet based and the parts that aren't are financed by the musicians) is failing in popularity, so you want someone to blame. Blame yourself, blame Ormus, blame your other friends, you treat this like it's a high school clique... music isn't a game, you guys are adults who behave like spoiled kids, the musicians deserve better people than you. I'm leaving the business because it's not a profitable business (at least not the way it is). I love the music, but it isn't worth an investment right now... no sense in throwing money down only to lose it or barely break even... not during a bad economy. Maybe a better label will come along, one that knows how to get these people ahead. It won't be some elitist douchebag like Mater or some spoiled fake hipster like you or some jaded jerk like me. It won't be one that lives inside Textbeak's fake, hype-machine/pretend popularity circus... if it happens it'll be one where someone, without a massive ego and with a lot more business acumen than you or I, does something useful, for those in the scene who aren't so dramatic that they push them away.

PS: Go get an education, oh and realize that lots of people in the U.S. are multi-ethnic and/or multi-racial, you w.a.s.p./honkey acting racist S.O.B.

PPS: Oh and tell your little pathetic, scared to admit who they are punk-ass friends to repeat shit correctly ya dumb fuck.
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Re: Are You New Here? Read this.

Post by Mcll »

Congrats on that reply. You just showed us how much a fool you really are. pro tip> never assume you know who you are talking to on the internet. We are better off without people like you involved. Go peddle your old school Los Angeles points elsewhere.
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