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Re: Are You New Here? Read this.

Post by ▲Sidewalks▲ »

I'm pretty new to WitchHouse so feedback would be much appreciated!
- Jake / Sidewalks and Skeletons
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Baku Shad-do
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Re: Are You New Here? Read this.

Post by Baku Shad-do »

Mcll wrote:Congrats on that reply. You just showed us how much a fool you really are. pro tip> never assume you know who you are talking to on the internet. We are better off without people like you involved. Go peddle your old school Los Angeles points elsewhere.
Seriously, fuck off, if you're not gutsy enough to say who you really are on the internet then you're not someone who matters in real life. Some little trolling idiot doesn't really matter to me, oh and I've checked all your links and as far as I can tell you're a little nobody trying to act big. You have no history of any length in the scene and your music gets no real attention. Get off your high horse. Has your stuff ever been in SPIN or Rolling Stone or The Fader? Nope. My label's stuff has and it took a fuckload of hard work to get it there. I've tolerated homophobic rants and crap right and left from Tudra's little craptastic buddies, some didactic hipster girl trying to act preachy with me after all that, when she has no clue about anything she's talking about doesn't go far with me.
Last edited by Baku Shad-do on October 16th, 2012, 6:22 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Baku Shad-do
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Re: Are You New Here? Read this.

Post by Baku Shad-do »

Mcll wrote:Congrats on that reply. You just showed us how much a fool you really are. pro tip> never assume you know who you are talking to on the internet. We are better off without people like you involved. Go peddle your old school Los Angeles points elsewhere.
Yeah, this unpopular nonsense, your boring soundcloud, and your bad hipsteresque faux intelligensia references in posts really don't impress me... you're not very interesting or individual and you seem to have weak, childish, opinions without factual basis... then beyond that you're still hanging onto that lame unicode copycat motif that makes you different and unique, just like everyone else... you are dull child.

Oh and there's nothing LA about me, I'm a DC, Upstate NY, NYC, Key West hybrid... and P.S. never try to give a pro-tip to someone with a BFA and an 18 year history in the entertainment industry unless you've really made it. It's just tacky.
Anton Maiof
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Re: Are You New Here? Read this.

Post by Anton Maiof »

Dear Baku Shad-Do,

I have no beef with you, but I'm not entirely sure of the point of attacking people's work, insulting them when really all Mcll did was say "Calm down".

You mention an 18 year stint in the entertainment industry, this is roughly how long I have been writing, recording and performing - When I was younger in Bristol, in-fighting and individual grubbing made it a pretty horrible place. There was no community at all. The irony being, when a group of people did come along and say "Um, are we not in the same boat?" they were immediately accused of selfishness and elitism.

Playing politics and diplomacy are what I've learned in 18 years and I'm pretty sure that no one actually cares about your past or what you said. It's about the quality of the work, which, from an outside perspective is being hurt more by your frantic hole digging than anyone else.

Let it go.
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Baku Shad-do
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Re: Are You New Here? Read this.

Post by Baku Shad-do »

Anton Maiof wrote:Dear Baku Shad-Do,

I have no beef with you, but I'm not entirely sure of the point of attacking people's work, insulting them when really all Mcll did was say "Calm down".

You mention an 18 year stint in the entertainment industry, this is roughly how long I have been writing, recording and performing - When I was younger in Bristol, in-fighting and individual grubbing made it a pretty horrible place. There was no community at all. The irony being, when a group of people did come along and say "Um, are we not in the same boat?" they were immediately accused of selfishness and elitism.

Playing politics and diplomacy are what I've learned in 18 years and I'm pretty sure that no one actually cares about your past or what you said. It's about the quality of the work, which, from an outside perspective is being hurt more by your frantic hole digging than anyone else.

Let it go.
Good words Anton, the part of what she did that bothered me was sticking up for Benji Tundra, he just gave me too much crap to tolerate... I really have no beef with her beyond her assumption that Tundra was somehow a more valid and somehow longer term member of the scene than I am. I will try and let it go though.
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Re: Are You New Here? Read this.

Post by Anton Maiof »

Well, I like Ben a lot and chat to him often, I also like Mircalla, but any beef between you all is private as far as I can see and doesn't need to be publicly drawn out. Even Robert Disaro kept quiet. People talk shit about my work all the time, I simply don't care, in the time people have written their little reviews calling me a fat tragic hipster I have written more music.
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Re: Are You New Here? Read this.

Post by Baku Shad-do »

Anton Maiof wrote:Well, I like Ben a lot and chat to him often, I also like Mircalla, but any beef between you all is private as far as I can see and doesn't need to be publicly drawn out. Even Robert Disaro kept quiet. People talk shit about my work all the time, I simply don't care, in the time people have written their little reviews calling me a fat tragic hipster I have written more music.
Well, if you've been at it for 18 years then you're probably around my age, if you're an older variety of hipster I'd hardly take that as an insult... as for fat, well who cares what your weight is, my sister's a big girl and anyone who would judge her by her weight instead of her accomplishments would be making a huge mistake. I wouldn't judge you for being Tundra's friend, you didn't display childish antics like he, James G., and Campisi did, those behaviors are their problems and theirs alone. Maybe he can take a lesson from you, as a friend, and learn to act more maturely.
Anton Maiof
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Re: Are You New Here? Read this.

Post by Anton Maiof »

like I say, I don't care.
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Re: Are You New Here? Read this.

Post by Mcll »

This is not even about me Mikey. This is about you, whining. You can see me on several other threads, reinforcing a positive atmosphere. I work with everybody, I support everybody, I have several of your label releases and have put them out in my various blogs for promotion. I appreciate what you do. But really man, coming in here all pouty, closing the label then whining about how so many people are against you and you are innocent of any drama. Come on, you are bringing drama to the board. We don't need it. Lemme paraphrase an interview you did in September 2012:

IVIYH: Can you give our readers a brief history of Baku Shad-do and how the label got started?

Mikey Shad-do: Well, after owning Union Without Nation with my old buddy, Derek, years ago I had a bitter taste in my mouth for the whole game. Eventually, with time, I came back from it and with the #OCCUPYXMAS album I needed a label again, so it just sort of happened. With the positive reinforcement of my friend[s]... (listed a bunch of people)

have always been around lending positive vibes and support. Despite the scene’s reputation for infighting I’ve found that there are a lot of people with great hearts in it.

Mikey Shad-do: If you do it, do it right, get a grant first, it can be really $@#$* expensive, oh and don’t ever let yourself get sucked in by drama.

That is all I am eluding to. You are perpetuating drama and it is unnecessary. You don't see any other label people around here airing their dirty laundry. If you have problems with specific people. Take it to them personally, don't bring us drama. Bring us music :)

Oh yeah, thanks for all the nonconstructive and negative shit you said about my music. Real professional and helpful! Cheers!
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Baku Shad-do
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Re: Are You New Here? Read this.

Post by Baku Shad-do »

Mcll wrote:This is not even about me Mikey. This is about you, whining. You can see me on several other threads, reinforcing a positive atmosphere. I work with everybody, I support everybody, I have several of your label releases and have put them out in my various blogs for promotion. I appreciate what you do. But really man, coming in here all pouty, closing the label then whining about how so many people are against you and you are innocent of any drama. Come on, you are bringing drama to the board. We don't need it. Lemme paraphrase an interview you did in September 2012:

IVIYH: Can you give our readers a brief history of Baku Shad-do and how the label got started?

Mikey Shad-do: Well, after owning Union Without Nation with my old buddy, Derek, years ago I had a bitter taste in my mouth for the whole game. Eventually, with time, I came back from it and with the #OCCUPYXMAS album I needed a label again, so it just sort of happened. With the positive reinforcement of my friend[s]... (listed a bunch of people)

have always been around lending positive vibes and support. Despite the scene’s reputation for infighting I’ve found that there are a lot of people with great hearts in it.

Mikey Shad-do: If you do it, do it right, get a grant first, it can be really $@#$* expensive, oh and don’t ever let yourself get sucked in by drama.

That is all I am eluding to. You are perpetuating drama and it is unnecessary. You don't see any other label people around here airing their dirty laundry. If you have problems with specific people. Take it to them personally, don't bring us drama. Bring us music :)

Oh yeah, thanks for all the nonconstructive and negative shit you said about my music. Real professional and helpful! Cheers!
Anton Maiof wrote:like I say, I don't care.
My point is that you two did nothing to call out Tundra, but you have the gall to sit around and criticize me for rebuking his flippant bullshit, why don't you both stick it, if all you can do is bother me and not behave in a sense of true equality, and call your friend out for his own obvious crap.
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Re: Are You New Here? Read this.

Post by skvllparty »

Baku Shad-do wrote:
Mcll wrote:Congrats on that reply. You just showed us how much a fool you really are. pro tip> never assume you know who you are talking to on the internet. We are better off without people like you involved. Go peddle your old school Los Angeles points elsewhere.
Yeah, this unpopular nonsense, your boring soundcloud, and your bad hipsteresque faux intelligensia references in posts really don't impress me... you're not very interesting or individual and you seem to have weak, childish, opinions without factual basis... then beyond that you're still hanging onto that lame unicode copycat motif that makes you different and unique, just like everyone else... you are dull child.

Oh and there's nothing LA about me, I'm a DC, Upstate NY, NYC, Key West hybrid... and P.S. never try to give a pro-tip to someone with a BFA and an 18 year history in the entertainment industry unless you've really made it. It's just tacky.
yo dude that's fucked up to talk shit about mircalla. i'm a huge fan of theirs and they're the reason i even bothered making this music. doesn't matter if anyone calls out ben at this point you're perpetuating this fight and it's bumming everyone out. i know what it's like to feel like you're backed in a corner and no one has your back but you shouldn't lash out at people who don't deserve it. seriously just let this stupid fucking argument die.
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Re: Are You New Here? Read this.

Post by Baku Shad-do »

skvllparty wrote:
Baku Shad-do wrote:
Mcll wrote:Congrats on that reply. You just showed us how much a fool you really are. pro tip> never assume you know who you are talking to on the internet. We are better off without people like you involved. Go peddle your old school Los Angeles points elsewhere.
Yeah, this unpopular nonsense, your boring soundcloud, and your bad hipsteresque faux intelligensia references in posts really don't impress me... you're not very interesting or individual and you seem to have weak, childish, opinions without factual basis... then beyond that you're still hanging onto that lame unicode copycat motif that makes you different and unique, just like everyone else... you are dull child.

Oh and there's nothing LA about me, I'm a DC, Upstate NY, NYC, Key West hybrid... and P.S. never try to give a pro-tip to someone with a BFA and an 18 year history in the entertainment industry unless you've really made it. It's just tacky.
yo dude that's fucked up to talk shit about mircalla. i'm a huge fan of theirs and they're the reason i even bothered making this music. doesn't matter if anyone calls out ben at this point you're perpetuating this fight and it's bumming everyone out. i know what it's like to feel like you're backed in a corner and no one has your back but you shouldn't lash out at people who don't deserve it. seriously just let this stupid fucking argument die.
You're right.
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Re: Are You New Here? Read this.

Post by Mcll »

I am humbled by what you posted, skvllparty :) Thank you.
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Re: Are You New Here? Read this.

Post by РΣ▲ϾΣ ⱧΣȊL »

▲Sidewalks▲ wrote:

I'm pretty new to WitchHouse so feedback would be much appreciated!

nice man. always like hearing old charlie manson being sampled. i actually just sampled him aswel :oops: popular chap
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Re: Are You New Here? Read this.

Post by Boytrap »

Hey There.

Im from Germany and got into it when i listened to Gvcci Hvcci for the first time. I am into mad pop and also discoverd g o slow just at the same time. I even had struggle answering the "salems album is not" question because i rather like that aesthtic of beeing lost in LA so to speak than that witch darky stuff and did not were into it when they appeared.

I also listen to rap since i listen to dubstep, so spaceghostpurrp is doing it for me, too. I love deeply sad gangster samples and think that this is someway a good direction to go to.
For that reason i also got pretty much obsessed with dirty pharmaceuticals, his blog and the blog his as-it-seems-like friend wolfe margolies does. The g o slow video for summer rain is great,too. These ascii stuff is great because its happening in the internet with, like, people who are in the internet all the time and so it makes all sense.

I study arttheorie and design/design theory and maybe this is going to be some kind of a good thing.

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