Killerwytch - xTearGa$x (2023)
Killerwytch - xTearGa$x (2023)
1. One With The $cythe
2. A P$alm For The Final $oul
3. My Heart Before The Cr0$$
4. Happy Lo$er
5. Tran$figuration Ov Satvrn
6. Deare$t EverLa$ting
7. $ad $ea$
8. The La$t Light Bearer
9. Her Wing$ Before The Cro$$
10. Her Tear$ Before The Cr0$$ (Live Fresno,CA)
11. Unintended Suicide (Live Fresno,CA)
12. Tip Ov Her $cythe (Live Fresno,CA)
Another freebie from Killerwytch from last year, worth posting beacause it's not bad at all. It feels like a natural continuation of his 2022 LP "Gasoline", but this time he takes the foot off the gas pedal, and slows down the tempo. Stylistically the songs are written in his now-signature mix of witch house, industrial, chiptune and dark electro, think of a mashup of NIN and Crystal Castles on codeine. I appreciate the fact it's free for DL, but I bet it will have lots of haters due to author's character.