nullse† - Artificial Soul (2021)

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nullse† - Artificial Soul (2021)

Post by zin »


1. and then there was light
2. virtual purgatory
3. (the creation of) the artificial soul
4. humanity's sorrow
5. corruption signal
6. fractal love
7. misunderstood creation
8. the discovery
9. mechanical dreams

It's fair to say that at one point Nullset was prob witchhouse's busiest producer, dude has put out countless albums since 2012 and "Artificial Soul" is his latest project from last year. Back in 2012/13 trap was taking over the witch house sound, and tbh I got totally sick of it, so I missed out on a lot of Nullset's stuff, but in hindsight he carved his nische and commited to it. I randomly stumbed across "Artificial Soul" today and hit play not expecting much, but this album is pretty dope. It's not some shit EDM-like witch house, the beats are mellow, quite leftfield for the witch-trap style actually. The cover art may suggest some dark buzzing saw synths and metal riffs, but instead we get nine wavey witchstrumentals, which, while still quite embracing menacing atmospheres, manage to form an album that's fairly digestible (and I mean it in the best way possible), cohesive and fun, almost like witchbeats to relax/study to ;) Digging it.
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